Steve Streibig of Tee Rex does a great T-shirt, but he and wife, Samantha are also all-round great people. As one of the new sponsors GA/GI 2011, Steve put his Cotton Factory forward, and is working with us to create wildly wonderful graphics for GA/GI Fest products while giving us plenty of another key ingredient-- moral support. Last year, we were fortunate to do a logo-share with Tech designer Dave Edwards of Art Energy Design, utilizing form and photos of his Power Flower. As GA/GI goes into its second year, we're working on creating our own brand; something passionate, that reflects tech funk and our on-going commitment to the "green" cause. Steve took Fest Director, Christine on a tour of his laid back operation, where T-shirts and other magic is made, showing us what he's done graphically for Voluto Coffee, Urban Tree Forge, Tree Pittsburgh, and many others all with that unique Tee Rex touch. We look forward to having T's, posters and some of the coolest festival gear any one in the city has to offer in 2011.
GA/GI also recently met David Bear, formerly a travel editor for the Post Gazette; now a fellow with The Studio for Creative Inquiry @ CMU, who works with inventors that created a unique way to creative views of the city through the Pittsburgh Gigipanorama Project. For our event, Bear plans to place giant photos taken from the the top of the US Steel Building and exhibit them in the big bottom windows of the Glass Lofts ; he'll also host a workshop on how to use the equipment, offer interactive opportunities that explore the Gigapan site and prints will be on sale. Other plans for GA/GI may include Gigipanning the Friendship Arts District on April 1 and 2. The robot that "calls the shots" can take images up to 50 miles away from its main location. We think that is pretty awesome.
"Pretty soon, everyone will want one!" said Bear.
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