Festival Statement
GA/GI Festival (pronounced GAHgee) is opening a world of possibles for non interacting industries to network and collaborate. while providing real tangible value to emerging artists and other innovators who want to demo or exhibit their talents to the general public while allowing that public of diverse demographics to see and explore innovation.
Established one year ago, in 2010 as a key event of the United Nations World Environment Day, The GA/GI Festival, was the first of its kind in Pennsylvania history. Now holding its second annual event, the organizers are again drawing on their successful model that draws from diverse demographics that include children and families.
GA/GI (pronounced GAH-gee) Invites the best of eco, technology and the arts to showcase their people and unique projects and programs. There is a diverse level of participation. GA/GI highlights Pittsburgh strengths as one of the leaders the global "green" movement. Featured have been the Power Flower, 13 feet of glamorized steel that creates its own energy source by solar power and wind. And there is the University of Pittsburgh's Mobile Science Lab, a tractor trailer with resources to do on site experiments. GA/GI has also hosted destressing family exercise like hula hooping and partnered with several art galleries throughout the Penn Ave Arts District to create exhibits based on a green or technology themes for "Unblurred." Read our blog posts for complete details.
The GA/GI 2010 Festival year= can be viewed by clicking here: GA/GI 1